Prominent Pubg Got a Sudden Ban

Pubg game was highly played among the youth of India & was a quite famous and largely played game by the audience over all the country. Pubg then used to be played in Pc or laptop, but this game was available in the mobile for the players where players used were easily used to download it through play store. For ten of millions of gamers in india, tecent’s players unknown Battle ground [pubg] video game was a welcome distraction from the coronavirus pandemic, then the govt said it was pulling thr plug. Some pubg players in india have spent thousands of rupees to buy so- called royal passes, a way to earn quick rewards & have to earn quick rewards & have access to special mission in the game
      Pubg part of the “battle royal” genre in which a group of players fight one another until only a single combatant is left alive which has mission & reward like bronze, sliver,gold, platinum, daimand ,crown & conquer. Pubg’s interactive features allows gamers to communicate with one another using text voice, & users say these makes it a unique mobile games in a country “ The only thing that couldn’t be locked down by Corona virus was pubg” said veera raghvan a gamer hailing from the southern city of Chennai. India on wed 2nd sept banned pubg mobile. The ban came as india banned other 118 Chinese apps, According to the sources india has banned pubg mob because of its chinese connection & because india & china are currently in middle of border dispute china is trying to encroch on indian territory in ladakh, earlier govt had banned no of apps including tiktok which now includes pubg, prehaps players can use this all in their pc but not on there cellphones. Ban on pubg has also created a choas among the regular players of this game.